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Monday, June 6, 2011

Sleeping in the Boy's Room

After class today I stopped to use the restroom and while I was at the urinal taking care of business, I thought I heard what sounded like snoring. I paused the stream so I could hear better and it was clear there was someone in the bathroom with me and he was asleep. His snoring seemed to get louder, and after I washed my hands I thought maybe it was a joke. If so, I figured I could crack him up by making snoring noises myself. His continued heavy snoring convinced me it was no joke, and apparently his movement was so exhausting, a deep sleep was needed to recover. Personally I find public restrooms extremely uncomfortable, and a small amount of anxiety usually accompanies me into any public restroom, so I don't think it would be possible for my mind to allow me to fall asleep in the stall knowing people will be coming and going, leaving their bowel stenches with them. I make my visits to the restroom as long as necessary and no longer. A few times in my own personal bathroom at home I've found myself reading while on the can, but any more then 5-10 minutes in that seated position will cause my legs to go numb. I would have liked to see the gentlemen this morning try to walk out of there dead-legged after spending 30+ minutes on the porcelain.

Google images gives a lot of hilarious bathroom pictures. Here are some more of my favorites:

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